China Machinery Group Shanghai Co.,Ltd

Add.: Office: No. 99 Rongle East Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai,China
Factory: Wire and Cable Industrial Zone, Jiangsu Province,China
Tel.: +86-21-51061751
Fax: +86-21-51061761
Mob.: +86-13062870081

Provincial Appraisal Approved New Products

On December, 19th, 2012, Anhui economic and Information Technology Commission held a appraising meeting for our five new products including KRH-127 interlock strip armoring machine and JGG-500/1+6 tubular strander. KRH-127 interlock strip armoring machine is suited to produce metal interlock cables characterized by high flexibility, stable connection, good creep resistance, etc. JGG- 500/1+6 tubular strander is suitable for stranding copper wire, aluminum wire, steel wire, etc.

The experts from the appraisal committee listened to the final report of the product designers and checked the report materials. Then, they identified our five new machines as the equipment of national advanced level.