China Machinery Group Shanghai Co.,Ltd

Add.: Office: No. 99 Rongle East Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai,China
Factory: Wire and Cable Industrial Zone, Jiangsu Province,China
Tel.: +86-21-51061751
Fax: +86-21-51061761
Mob.: +86-13062870081

Technology Centre

1. Research Personnel
There are 118 people in the technology centre. 106 of them are responsible for the product research and experimental development.

2. Research and Development Place
No. Name Total Area (m2)
1 Technical Centre Office Building 1953
2 Control Engineering Laboratory 350
3 Test Centre 1580
4 Experimental Shop 1600
Total 5483

The Technical Centre decides the annual development project as requested by the market competition and company development. After the approval of new product development project, the company will appoint the project leader. Both development and promotive funds will be raised in the contract. Project review system will be implemented for the project development funds, while the responsibility assessment system will be carried out for the promotive funds. Project development funds are included in the company’s annual budget, and will be calculated according to the project. In 2012, the research investment amounts 33,600,000, accounting 4.96% of the sales revenue.

The Technical Centre is mainly responsible for the design and development of new products and control software. It arranges the training classes for the technical personnel and operators who will use the new equipment. The training classes are about the proper use and maintenance of the new machinery. Meanwhile, the new machine design and all the process control software will be tested and optimized, for the purpose of maintaining overall equipment performance.

In allusion to the mechanical part, control part, and utility software of the new product, we will use the instruments and virtual control technology to simulate the experiment, thereby shortening the equipment research and debugging period. Through the subject research about new and high technology, we have solved the technical problems that may occur during the cables manufacturing. Our equipment has been thereby improved in the market competitiveness.

We have top-ranking technology and facilities to consistently develop high-tech products. In 2012, LJL350×2 aluminum cladding extrusion machine was identified as the national key new product. Our achievements of aluminum cladding process research and continuous extrusion machine have been approved by the experts. Smarter company is one of the members for drafting 2 national standards and 24 industrial standards. It has obtained 23 patents, including 8 patents for invention and 2 patents for product design. We have 13 utility models. 6 items have authorized software copyrights.