China Machinery Group Shanghai Co.,Ltd

Add.: Office: No. 99 Rongle East Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai,China
Factory: Wire and Cable Industrial Zone, Jiangsu Province,China
Tel.: +86-21-51061751
Fax: +86-21-51061761
Mob.: +86-13062870081


Our Company spans more than 170, 666 square meters. We have a dedicated staff of more than 150 employees, of whom there are 120 technical personnel. 58 technical personnel have the senior professional titles.

All of our products are designed with CAD software. The abundant technical force allows us to develop one or two new products annually. Until now, we have nine items that have been honored as the state-level new products.

  • Research and Development Department
  • International Trade Department
  • International
    Trade Department
  • Domestic
    Marketing Department
  • Conference Room of Technology Building
  • After-sale Department
  • Accessories Board of
    After-sale Department
  • The Second Department of
    Research and Development
  • The First Department of
    Research and Development
  • Staff Activity Room

  • Reference Room

  • Conference Room of
    Comprehensive Building
  • Conference Room of
    Comprehensive Building