China Machinery Group Shanghai Co.,Ltd

Add.: Office: No. 99 Rongle East Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai,China
Factory: Wire and Cable Industrial Zone, Jiangsu Province,China
Tel.: +86-21-51061751
Fax: +86-21-51061761
Mob.: +86-13062870081

Inspection Equipment

Our Company has dynamical balance testing instrument, hardness tester, flaw detector, and other inspection devices. All the processes from the raw materials purchasing to the product production, are strictly controlled.

  • Dynamical Balance Testing Instrument
  • Nonmetal Hardness Tester
  • Metal Hardness Tester
  • Gauge Warehouse
  • Desktop Hardness Tester
  • Flaw Detector
  • Paint Thickness
    Measuring Instrument
  • Straightness
    Measuring Instrument
  • Warehouse for the Measuring Equipment
  • Outside Micrometer 250-275
  • Outside Micrometer 400-500
  • Outside Micrometer 600-700
  • Outside Micrometer